Medright Consulting

Archive for Dennis Kithinji

Strategies that Occupational Therapists can Apply to Manage Autistic Children

Table of Contents Introduction Search Strategy Approaches to Social Skills Training Parent-Assisted Social Skills Training Peer-mediated intervention Social Skills Group Training (SSGT) Video Modelling Social Stories Recommendations for social skills training Introduction Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a substantial social impairment, which negatively affects their cognitive and language functioning (Hodges et al., 2020). […]

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Techniques in Psychology: Common Strategies to Functional Behavioral Assessment

Functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is the description of behavior and the cause-effect relationship between behavior and the environment (Steege et al., 2019). The basis of conducting FBA is that behavior is a product of interactions between factors within an individual and factors in the individual’s social environment. It helps to identify factors in the environment […]

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Dolphin-Assisted Therapy: A Brief Critical Appraisal of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Dolphin-assisted therapy (DAT) is a form of animal-assisted interventions meant to increase therapeutic gains in children with autism spectrum disorder. Its application is supported by research evidence that is commonly dismissed for methodological weaknesses. Hernández-Espeso et al. (2021) sought to address the challenge by conducting an RCT. They applied random assignment and included a control […]

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Sample of a Critical Appraisal of a Systematic Review

In this article, we provide a demonstration of a basic critical appraisal of a systematic review. The article critically appraised is “Social Skills Teaching for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Systematic Review” authored by Radley et al. (2020). The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) checklist for systematic reviews (CASP, 2018) guided the critical appraisal.   […]

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Are GMOs Safe?

The question “Are GMO Foods Safe?” has occupied internet search engines and social media spaces since President Ruto’s government approved the farming of genetically modified (GM) crops and importation of GM food for humans and GM feeds for animals. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are made by introducing changes in the genes of natural organisms to […]

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The Banned Contraceptive Pill: Is “Sophia” Safe?  

To mark World Contraception Day 2022, MedRight Consulting has chosen to contribute to the theme by discussing the medical-scientific details of “Sophia.” The day will be on Monday, September 26. Its theme is “Breaking Myths and Misconceptions on Family Planning.” MedRight Consulting has reviewed the available literature to establish the real identity of “Sophia” and […]

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What is Sexual Market Value? A Biological Perspective

Sexual market value (SMV) is a manosphere term gaining popularity in social media spaces. Women and men are anonymously seeking partners in online platforms. They are describing their preferences of mates. Men with substantial masculinity are evidently interested in beautiful and childless women. It is mainly men without frame (read unconfident, purposeless, physically unfit, or […]

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How to Write a Literature Review in Health Sciences

Coaching research practitioners and tutoring students on research methods in health sciences has made me realize that several researchers struggle with the writing aspects of research. A major part of research is conducting a literature review. Every research project requires a form of literature review. Healthcare practitioners intending to establish the evidence-base for a particular […]

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